I scavenged through clothes, cameras, shoes, telephones, cacti, and jewelry today. It was a hot, hot day, but I made it through okay. There was definitely a lot of treasures and junk at this flea market! I didn't buy anything, but it was really fun checking it out! I just wish the weather wasn't so scorching hot ... then maybe I would've been in the mood to hunt for treasures some more. I've been in search for a cute, light, summer kimono ... but I haven't been successful. Maybe I should just purchase the ones I'm watching on ebay.. sighh.. but summer is soon coming to an end! I start fall semester very soon!! I need to do all my last minute summer stuff soon before I burry my head in books again. X_X

is ur flats miu miu? theyre cute! and btw how do you edit or process ur pictures to make it look vintage-y? can u pls recommend a site or just give tips. thanks!
hello anonymous! lol .. if you are talking about the flats on the previous post with the american apparel bag .. those are from urban outfitters! i bought them online a couple of months ago. As far as my pictures, I've been getting really lazy with them lately, so I've been using my Iphone a lot. I've been using a combination of iphone apps like Hipstamatic, PS express, Camera bag, and pudding camera. Hope this helps!
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