After over ONE YEAR of staying away from Boiling Crab, I finally went back! The reason I stayed away for so long was because I was traumatized from food poisoning from The Boat! LOL After that horrible experience I just couldn't eat shrimp again! My coworkers convinced me to go back and eat some Boiling Crab ~ so I went. I ordered some fresh oysters, shrimp, and fries with my new castle. mmm mmm, good.

On another note... Lorenz completely surprised me with a Mui Mui wallet!! omygoodness!!! I was laying on my bed playing with my phone and he was like, "KC, can you hand me my IPad." (He keeps his IPad in this case thing.) I was like, "NO, I'm lazy." He kept going, "come on, I need to show you something on Plants vs. Zombies." Again I said, "No, you get it." He's like, "No, but you're closer. Come on, you'll like it." haha.. and then finally I gave in. When I reached in to get his IPad, I grabbed a Mui Mui bag instead!! gahhh!! It was so sweet of him! I've wanted a Miu Miu wallet for so long!! I just feel sorry for this wallet, because it has to go inside my crappy bags. lol