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Wow! I'm truly enjoying the design and style of your weblog. Are you using a custom made theme or is this readily available to all users? If you don't want to say the name of it out in the public, please be sure to e-mail me at: I'd really like to get my hands on this template! Kudos.
I'm new to developing sites and I was wondering if having your site title relevant to your content really that important? I notice your title, "Blogger: hellokaesi " does appear to be spot on with what your website is about but yet, I prefer to keep my title less content descriptive and based more around site branding. Would you think this is a good idea or bad idea? Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
Amazing! I'm genuinely enjoying the design of your web site. Are you using a customized template or is this freely available to all users? If you do not want to say the name of it out in the public, please be sure to email me at: I'd love to get my hands on this template!
Many thanks.
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I used, "Blogger: hellokaesi" as your web site headline.
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at: Thanks for your time
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Wow! I'm truly enjoying the design and style of your weblog. Are you using a custom made theme or is this readily available to all users? If you don't want to say the name of it out in the public, please be sure to
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