Wednesday, June 30, 2010

my phone is an old analog camera with interchangeable lenses

Okay, I've been going shutter happy with this Hipstamatic app on my Iphone. This app is the easiest way to make any photo look more interesting. Enjoy :)






Aoi Yu in Travel Sand

I love these photos from Aoi Yu's photobook, Travel Sand. Photos are by Yoko Takahasi! I kinda wanna buy this book. It makes me wanna start using my analog camera again. I just don't like spending money on developing!

Good morning, Megan

Okay.. yea.. watever.. she's overrated .. i know. But she looks absolutely stunning in this video by Greg Williams. I really love Greg Williams' work! I go through his vimeo a lot and admire all his moving pictures and crap. He must be one lucky guy to be able to shoot all these girls. He does a great job though!

Megan Fox by Greg Williams for Esquire HD from Greg Williams on Vimeo.

Air Doll

Grrr.. why haven't I seen this movie yet? lol.. this movie was brought to my attention, because Lorenz and I always make fun of those guys who obsess about life sized dolls. We were watching the discovery channel one time and it showed a documentary about different guys who were in love with their dolls. They take their dolls out to picnics, dress them, and have sex with them. It's just way too freakin weird! Anyways, it's by Hirokazu koreeda~ the same maker of Nobody Knows.

Sienna Miller in Alfie

It's been a while since I saw the movie Alfie... but looking through Fashionsquad's blog, I just remembered how much I loved Sienna Miller in that movie! Nikki was so edgy, so spunky, so stylish! loved her!

sister's room

I've been currently residing in my sister's room for the past few weeks. She's house sitting her friend's house in Glendale for the summer, so I get to have her comfortable bed all to myself! HEHE.. Her bed is reeeally soft!! I remember buying it with her at this mattress store in Glendale. It's like sleeping on a fluffly & slightly bouncy pillow!




night drive

Here's the video I made! It's composed of over 600 photographs of our drive around LA. The piano is Handkanten Act by Jan Tilman Schade. Ugh.. I finally figured out how to upload full quality on vimeo! I need to start doing that with all my future videos. It makes a big difference! ~ well .. at least to me that is. lol .. Gosh, my car was really dirty! I can see all the smudges on my widow with this video. I wish I could've cleaned it before I started this project! It's like working with a dirty lens. No BUENO. Anyways, I can't wait to make another one! It's so much fun! ^^


night drive from karen Feliciano on Vimeo.

Ni No Kuni

I'm totally missing Anime Expo right now. haha.. well~ actually, I've been missing it for a couple of years now. x___x lol.. it's just so overwhelming over there! I haven't made plans to go back there in years, but I'm strangely in the mood to head over there right now. ohhhh to be stuck in long lines. to be shoulder to shoulder with anime nerds. to see countless cosplay, role play games, and hentai. haha.. C'est la vie! x___x lol jk. I'm actually going to Comic Con this year for the first time with Lorenz and maybe see a few of my friends. Maybe in Comic Con I can have a dose of nerdiness I've been longing for.
Anyways! Let's get to the heading of this post! Studio Ghibli's Ni No Kuni ~ an RPG game is coming to PS3! I believe it was previously only developed for the DS, but both versions have Studio Ghibli's in-game animation! Gosh, it's hard to find cartoon animation anymore. Anyways this game is a mixture of both Japanese and Disney-style animations. ~ kinda reminding me of Kingdom Hearts slash Ragnarok. The game play looks so cool, cuz it's like controlling a Miyazaki film! ^^ Anyways, here's a trailer.

judith bedard

gorgeous red hair!

Monday, June 28, 2010


love the clothes~ but love the hair more. hehe.. i'm really into this girl's hair!! I wish I had the skin type to pull off any hair color. oh poo~ love this so much! ^^

daisy lowe

Daisy Lowe for UK esquire HD from Greg Williams on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Miranda Kerr

My girl crush is engaged to Orlando Bloom!! She's so cute!! I love her!!! I gush about her to Lorenz so much!! HAHA .. she's just sooo adorable!!! ^-^ I love watching her model diaries on youtube.

i'm inspired!

I'm onto a new project! ^_^ I'll soon be making a new short video composed of photographs inspired by lights, nights, drives, and the piano! I can't wait to start filming! I've been drowning in boring finance class for summer school. When I'm not playing with my financial calculator, I'm working at the bank calculating payments, deposits, and withdraws. Oh boring me!! I need some art!! Some spark!! Some fun!! ~ Although, I don't know if I should make this video bouncy or mellow. Hmm.. We'll see. It depends on which music I'm more inspired by. ta-tah!

Monday, June 21, 2010

happy first day of summer!

This is one of the things I wish to witness and do in real life! The sight is just so breathtaking!! I use to dream of having a big wedding and having everyone light up one of these wish lanterns. haha... now I don't really dream of a big wedding.. maybe just a tiny one. Lol.. oh gosh~ I'm in one of those phases where I'm constantly thinking of how I want my wedding to be. It's weird, because I'm never like this. I have no plans of how I want my wedding to look like or where I want it to be... I just never really thought about it. Now I'm always dreaming of it. lol It's an embarrassing confession for me, but yea.. that's just me right now. -_- I'm dreaming of a very small wedding with no invitations and no fancy dress. Maybe a white, knee high, babydoll, peter pan collar dress with cute sleeves. haha ... yup.. -_- ... I just wanted to share this favorite video of mine.

dear ex-boyfriend.

you were once a dream, then a reality, and now a memory.

I find it sad that we can't even be friends. :(

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

nail lacquer

One fact about me is that I'm always changing my nail color. I've been like this ever since I first got a hold of nail polish as a little girl. Even regular customers at my work notice it! Lol.. Today I was helping this old man I don't even remember. I guess he remembered me cuz he said something to me like, "changed your nail color again ey?" lol ~ I've been using American Apparel's Nail Lacquer. I usually only buy OPI cuz of the quality ~ but AA had interesting nail colors, so I decided to try it out. Plus it was cheaper than OPI and they had a promotion sale of 3 colors for $15. I'm surprised by the quality, because it's actually better than what I expected. I like how it's bold and heavy ~ so one stroke already gets the job done. I also really love the unusual color selection!! ^-^ time to change my nail polish again!

what makes me lose hope in humanity?

"to realize that there are those in humanity that are willing to kill each other just because they're different..
to realize the fate of all humans in the end is a death...
to see a man brutally beaten in public and nobody helps them...
to see a woman raped and the man who raped her walk away free...

I could list many of things, i could list till i die yet i would never be able to list it all. in this world we consider peaceful and happy, there is always people dieing of hunger, disease, murder... simply because we dont go and help them... for example third world countries, any major country such as USA or Britain or China could easily go to these dieing and sick countries and bring them from oblivion to frutation, yet we just sit and do nothing but complain.

how can a man sit in his home and think... hey i had a bad day i stubbed my toe and it hurt... and think that he's the unluckiest person in the world.. when in parts of the world a child thinks hes the luckiest kid on earth for finding enough cans in a trash pile so that he and his family can eat a meal for the day...

what makes me lose hope in humanity? you ask me this on a computeur. an item of liesure that only 30% of the world has... what makes me lose hope is the fact that the world could come together and make the world thousands of times better. cure diseases, cure world hunger, stop crime all together.... and yet all we do... is nothing. that is what makes me lose hope in humanity. the fact that we purposely turn on our kin and let them die just so we can have a better life."


i was seriously having a bad day at work one time ~ and it led me to this. It's a post by George Welch ... some guy who posted a response on yahoo answers.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sweet tooth

Ok I found these pictures online. Can someone please tell me where to get these!??

In with the new, out with the old.

Yay! I finally put up a new wall decal to replace my peeling flower branch one. Hehe.. I wanted to keep the same concept as my old one, but with a little bit more improvement. This one has color and a lot more to work with! ^^ I bought it really cheaply on Ebay!



Harajuku Crepes

Oh my yumminess. I think everyone needs to try a crepe from Harajuku Crepes. These are Japanese style crepes that are crispy and rolled into a cone. It's a little similar to Crepe Luv in Alhambra, but the batter is way different and it's a lot lighter and crispier. It's very interesting, because you can choose a crepe batter~ like Earl Grey, Green Tea, or Buckwheat. I got a Green Tea batter with Azuki beans, homemade whipped creme, Nutella, and Vanilla ice cream. Lorenz got Buckwheat with banana and Nutella. Hmm, Hmm.. Good. Their iced roasted Green Tea was delicious too! It complimented the sweet crepes perfectly! ^^






