"to realize that there are those in humanity that are willing to kill each other just because they're different..
to realize the fate of all humans in the end is a death...
to see a man brutally beaten in public and nobody helps them...
to see a woman raped and the man who raped her walk away free...
I could list many of things, i could list till i die yet i would never be able to list it all. in this world we consider peaceful and happy, there is always people dieing of hunger, disease, murder... simply because we dont go and help them... for example third world countries, any major country such as USA or Britain or China could easily go to these dieing and sick countries and bring them from oblivion to frutation, yet we just sit and do nothing but complain.
how can a man sit in his home and think... hey i had a bad day i stubbed my toe and it hurt... and think that he's the unluckiest person in the world.. when in parts of the world a child thinks hes the luckiest kid on earth for finding enough cans in a trash pile so that he and his family can eat a meal for the day...
what makes me lose hope in humanity? you ask me this on a computeur. an item of liesure that only 30% of the world has... what makes me lose hope is the fact that the world could come together and make the world thousands of times better. cure diseases, cure world hunger, stop crime all together.... and yet all we do... is nothing. that is what makes me lose hope in humanity. the fact that we purposely turn on our kin and let them die just so we can have a better life."
i was seriously having a bad day at work one time ~ and it led me to this. It's a post by George Welch ... some guy who posted a response on yahoo answers.