I finally did it!! I finally got to go skydiving!! I've been wanting to do this for soooo long and I'm so happy to finally be able to do it! Every year I've been trying to get a group of my friends to go, but for some reason it never works out. Sooo ~ I was kinda just like.. "fuck it, I'm gonna go anyway." haha. I went with my boyfriend, Lorenz, and we both had a blast!! We went skydiving at Skydive San Diego! The people there were really awesome and made my experience worth every penny! My goodness... it's just sooo surreal. I remember after we landed Lorenz and I just kept saying to each other, "I can't believe we just jumped out of a plane 13,000ft!" haha.. the feeling up there was so unexplainable! I guess to know how it feels ~ you just gotta go try it! The only downside about it for me was the motion sickness I got afterwards. After we landed and got back to our car, I really started to feel nauseated. It wasn't as bad as parasailing though. It only took a couple minutes, some french fries, and a cold sprite to get me back to normal. lol The adrenaline rush was so high that Lorenz and I knocked out somewhere under a shade. I can't wait for them to send me my video so I can watch my whole experience!! I really want to do it again! .. and eventually a solo dive! It would be such a cool hobby!!.. but gosh.. wayy too expensive! HAHA

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