Thursday, April 29, 2010

surprise breakfast !

Lorenz thought I was working the whole day on his birthday .. when actually, I got the day off. I talked to his mom and asked her to let me in his house before she goes off to work in the morning so I can surprise him. I had to be at his house no later than 6:30 AM cuz she leaves so freakin early! haha .. Anyways, she let me in and I cooked Lorenz breakfast while he was sleeping. zzzz... Then I woke him up and he was so surprised! ^_^ Here's what I cooked for him!

Eggs benedict ~ I put regular bacon, canadian bacon, and a poached egg on it. I served it with chicken apple sausage on the side!


Next was this yummy French toast ~ with slices of strawberries, blueberries, and bananas!


Then he has his cake and ate it too! .. lol. His mom bought a yogurt cake from Baskin Robbins and I ordered him popcakes to spell out his name!


Here's the 'Shitty Birthday Song" I made for him! haha.. I don't think you'll be able to view it unless you have a facebook.

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