ohhh the cliche. Lorenz and I decided to have a long walk on the beach. .. and yes.. we held hands. HAHA. go throw up now! lol.. jk. We just hung out there for a little bit after church. We decided to make a mini video. ^_^ enjoy!
if you guys are interested on where I ordered the Popcakes for Lorenz's birthday I got them from: http://www.ilovepopcakes.com/ I got this site from my sister. Her friend is one of the owners of this business. The red velvet is so delicious with a simple white chocolate shell. You have to order one week advance to get these popcakes! I ordered a dozen total for Lorenz and my sister.
Lorenz thought I was working the whole day on his birthday .. when actually, I got the day off. I talked to his mom and asked her to let me in his house before she goes off to work in the morning so I can surprise him. I had to be at his house no later than 6:30 AM cuz she leaves so freakin early! haha .. Anyways, she let me in and I cooked Lorenz breakfast while he was sleeping. zzzz... Then I woke him up and he was so surprised! ^_^ Here's what I cooked for him!
Eggs benedict ~ I put regular bacon, canadian bacon, and a poached egg on it. I served it with chicken apple sausage on the side!
Next was this yummy French toast ~ with slices of strawberries, blueberries, and bananas!
Then he has his cake and ate it too! .. lol. His mom bought a yogurt cake from Baskin Robbins and I ordered him popcakes to spell out his name!
Here's the 'Shitty Birthday Song" I made for him! haha.. I don't think you'll be able to view it unless you have a facebook.
I really enjoyed this movie!! It was really funny and I really loved Chloe Moretz as Hit Girl! She's so cute and she kicks so much ass! I wanna be her for Halloween!! haha .. maybe.. lol.
gahhh! I really want this Longchamp Bones bag by Jeremy Scott. I'm so late on this, because it came out a while ago and no one sells it anymore. :( It's very limited .. the only place I found it was ebay France and the price is so jacked up. I also want those purple Chloe sandals down below like the one Whitney Port is wearing. I just think it's so cute and it brightens up an outfit! ^__^
I was watching episodes of It's On With Alexa Chung on Youtube last night. I couldn't help but admire this girl's style! She dresses so cute and she's so funny too! haha .. I love Sienna Miller and I was watching her interview on one of Alexa's shows. So cute!
I took several photos of my cousin's jewelry yesterday. I'm about to make her a facebook fan page for her jewelry. All her jewelry is handmade and uniquely crafted. She sells some of it inside a store on Ventura Blvd. ..gosh I forget the name. lol .. Anyways, I need to gather more information from her so I can make the facebook page. That's me on the bottom wearing a necklace that she made. Hold tight for the fan page, so you too can become a fan! hehe
Zipia.net ... I hate this freakin website. It's like a huge freakin tease. There's so many clothes I want from there and the price is affordable ... but freakin a .. in order to place an order you must spend $300 minimum plus pay an expensive a$$ shipping fee. I've been going on and off this website for a long time now trying to collect a bunch of clothes that I really like. I was hoping to submit my order, but I just can't do it. I like a lot of their clothes, but I feel like I only reallyyy want like 4 of them. The rest of the stuff I'm adding on is just stuff I like in order to make the cut. I weighed out my options and gosh.. I just don't know. If I submit it I'm kind of saving money, because I get a lot of clothes. ... but $300 is still A LOT of money even though I'll be getting a lot for it. :( sighhhh... so here you go. I'll share with you all some of the clothes I really liked.
This stripped top is selling for $26 on Zipia.net ... and on Pixiemarket.com they totally jack up the price to $80.
Has anyone ever been to this restaurant? UGHHH... I so want to go, but it's all the way in Seattle, Washington. Now I know where I want to eat if I ever visit my cousins up there! Damn all this food looks so goooooood. My mouth is watering. I really want Umami burger right now.
Lorenz and I went on a little nice getaway. It was during my spring break, but I still had work. I only had like 2 days off which was Sunday and Monday. We decided to take advantage of my 2 free days and go on a little trip to San Luis Obispo. It was short, but sweet and very relaxing. Everyone keeps asking me where I went horseback riding. Here's the link if you guys are interested: J&J Riding. Horseback riding on the beach was very relaxing. The owner was very nice and the route was so beautiful. When I was younger I often went horseback riding with my uncle in Burbank. They have a route where you go across a bridge, under a freeway, and onto the mountains. We also use to take lessons there about basic stuff like trotting and controlling your horse. sighh.. I miss those days. -___- lol