I think I'm slowly becoming a better blogger. The gaps of my blogs are no longer weeks or months. Instead they are days, hours, or even minutes apart. haha. Perhaps the calm winter is allowing me to perpetuate time into this internet blog. HMMMM... some typical resolutions.
A.) Spend money wiser. I feel like I'm digging myself a grave every time I splurge on clothes and accessories. I really need to start creating a budget for myself, so I can pay off my debt and save my money for something better. I'm so addicted to clothes.. I just need to stop shopping!
B.) Loose at least 15 freakin pounds. HAHA. ughh.. it's not that hard.. I've done it before .. it's just really hard to start & keep a motivation! X_X I'm short, so loosing 15 lbs would be noticeable enough. I can't change what I eat, but I can change the portions of what I eat. I also need to cut back on all the sugary junk crap I eat. ahhh.. but it's what makes me sweeeet. haha! I also need to start going on that damn elliptical again! Spring & Summer is just around the corner!
C.) Get better grades! I just transfered and I'm having trouble already! My upper divisional classes are harder than I thought! Why is there so much math in my major??.. It's business MARKETING. .. not ACCOUNTING !! I've been taking accounting this accounting that.. calculus this.. calculus that.. statistics this.. statistics that .. econ this and econ that.. ! It's like one prereq after another!! I need to hit the books more often and get a little bit more organized.
etc. etc. etc.

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