Yesterday was my 21st day on this planet! LOL .. I didn't really make plans to celebrate... I just opened up Best Buy in the morning and went to school at night. X_X lame. My professor kept us in for so long, so I didn't get home till about 10PM from Long Beach. After my long day, it was nice to finally meet up with Lorenz. ^^ He was taking forever in my bathroom.. I thought he was taking a huge dump.. but he ended up surprising me with candle-lit cupcakes! LOL. It was pretty late & everything was closed .. but we still ended up eating at Mr. Ramen ~ where I ordered my first hot sake & Sapporo beer! Here's a glimpse.
Pia took me to a concert at the Music Box @ Fonda to watch the Raveonnettes! It was her early bday gift to me! Thanks Pia! ^^ Afterwards we met up with Lorenz .. who was reserving our line at Pink's to eat some yummy hot dogs.
[read in your head with an over exaggerated/sarcastic tone]
I'm going to take this time to write a short post in regards to my great appreciation for a "free mind." You know that short moment when you look at the sky and realize you have no classes... Hence, no stress on upcoming tests or projects. No eager fear of what to study for or what's due tomorrow. It's a sweet moment that I hold dear to my heart. It makes me feel refreshed as if a huge burden has been lifted off of my shoulders. sighhh... oh "Free mind" ... I can't wait to meet with you again. I sadly start school again tomorrow.
"Reversible destiny" loft-style apartments in Mitaka, Japan by Arakawa and Gins.
Dome houses .. Japanese design innovation. ...affordable, environmentally-friendly, igloo-shaped houses made of styrofoam that 2 people can assemble in a week!
This is my third year going to the Vons special event at Disneyland. ^^ My brother just gets me tickets ... and I just tag along. Here are some photos from my experience. (The rest will be uploaded on my Facebook.) *___*
Every time I go on to see if they have these shoes in my size, they are always sold out! The only ones they have left are 8 1/2 ... but I'm a 7. X_X I've been going on their website everyday since beginning of last month to check if they finally got more in stock. The reviews are pretty good and everyone seems to be happy with them. 2 days ago.. I checked the website.. & they finally got them in my size!!! .. I finally ordered a pair & now I'm just waiting for them to come in the mail. When I checked back again today... they were sold out of my size again. shhheeeesh. X_X .. hehe.. I don't know why these shoes appeal to me so much. I guess it's because I really like the color composition ... I wouldn't prefer any other color.
Seychelles Architectural Heel
PS: if you guys haven't already done so.. if you order things online you should check out the website ... you just type in an online store and it gives you promotion codes that people share on the website & the percentage of success rate. ^^
This is some junk food I picked up at Little Tokyo for Pia. I just picked the stuff that I usually eat ... hoping she'll like them too. haha. The last two images are photos of the Lauduree Macaroons she gave me as a souvenir from Paris. Yay! .. They were pretty good... I should learn how to bake them, but I heard it was pretty complicated. X_X