I haven't gone to Milk in a while, so Lorenz and I decided to go there for some ice cream sandwiches. Ever since we tried them at Umami burger we just had to go back for more. I've seen them around milk, so I figured we should just go there instead. Milk sells them individually or by the whole. I bet that's where Umami burger gets them from! Anyways, I was really hungry so I decided to order a Caesar salad. My, my was it good! The best Caesar salad I've ever had! ... Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it was really good. Maybe cuz I was expecting some small-fry shit. Usually when a place is really good at one thing, they're bad at another thing. Milk, for instance, is known for their desserts. ... soo.. I thought.. Good at dessets, bad at salads. haha... but watever.. I still gave it a try. I can't wait to go back for more now!

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