P-Dong died last week. Even though I didn't have him for that long I still got really attached to him. He was such a bipolar dog .. very grumpy at times and very protected over his food. ~ But on sunny days, his face would light up and he loved to play. I took him to the park one time and it was like heaven to him! I think he really had a good time! Gosh, I'm really heart broken over his death. I hate how it was raining. I hate how my mom didn't care. I hate how I found him. And I hate how I found out. Everything was a mess that week. I heard bad news every single day. Ugh.. but this is what broke me the most. It sucks walking outside my house now and routinely looking to the right where he would be, but he's not there. There's still some empty dog bowls around my house and even his favorite slippers. I miss you P-Dong. I hope you had a good life.

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