Sunday, March 8, 2009

i love you but...

It's Sunday morning ... I didn't wake up in time for church because of this whole "spring forward" thing for daylight savings time. It's 3PM and I've been laying on my bed with my laptop .. browsing through short films like this one... or this other one.. & only getting up for about 15 minutes to eat breakfast. I am a lazy shit. X_X  Anyways.. as I was being my lazy self.. I came across this website loveyoubut. I just thought it was funny.


I love you but you blow your nose too loud. 
I love you but you don't eat with your spoon properly. 
I love you but you don't want to get a hair cut. 


1. Here's a Miss Dior Cherie commercial by Soffia Coppola ... sigghh.. makes me want a fruit tart from Portos. TT.TT 

2. Here's another long commercial advertising for Loewe perfume "Quizas quizas quizas" made by Eugenio Recuenco, starring super model Jennifer Pugh. 

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