Summer of 2011 was one of the hardest summers (academically) that I've ever had in my entire life. It was such a buzz kill to walk at my graduation ceremony in the spring and still had classes to take in the summer. I almost gave up, because my classes were so difficult that I felt like I wouldn't be able to graduate. If you've ever experience summer school, you know that ONE class is already a handful. It's so fast paced and there's so much material to cover in the span of six weeks. I was taking THREE summer classes in Long Beach and working in Glendale. The commute, the load of work, and the difficulty of my classes took a toll on me. There were times when I would walk to my car at night crying about my grade. When I reached my car I had a ticket waiting for me on my windshield. I even remember leaving towards the end of class and running to find any open computer labs to print out a drop form. It was 10PM so everything was closed. When I finally found an open computer lab it was a mile away from my class. I ran back in time for the end of class sweating and out of breath. I gave up and had my Managerial Economics teacher sign my drop form. I even hugged my classmates goodbye. :(
After that week something strange came over me. I obsessively calculated my grade, prayed, and decided that I couldn't just give up. Instead of turning in my drop form I decided to let go of my pride and talk to every single one of my teachers. That's the last thing I would ever do, because It's so embarrassing for me to face my teachers when I'm doing so poorly in their classes. After that I studied my ass off. I studied in my room, at work, at church, during my long commute. I couldn't just throw all of my hard work away. When i finally got my summer grades I remember how overjoyed I was. My eyes teared up just looking at what I've accomplished. All that hard work just makes this degree that much sweeter. It wasn't easy balancing work and school, but I finally did it!