I visited Royal-T for the second time yesterday. I had to go back for their Kobe Beef Burger and Royal-T Milk Tea. This time I ordered the High Tea set, because it looked very appealing in pictures. However, I was a little disappointed when I got it, because it was a lot smaller than I expected. The brownies and orderves were very yummy though! & the Royal-T Milk Tea can never let me down! I love it with brown sugar cubes! I visited the mini store at Royal-T and even bough myself a small pack of Royal-T Milk Tea. I just have to brew it with soy milk and then.. VOILA .. I have delicious Royal-T Milk Tea at home! I have to stop by the market to find some brown sugar cubes though. Where can I buy some of those?? Trader Joes?

Oh yea.. and btw .. isn't that box so cool?? (the pic on the right with purple lights) It looks like it's going down forever .. but it's just an illusion the glass and mirror gives out. The length of that box is only like 6 inches!